Philosophical Friday is something I have been thinking about doing for a few months. There are tons of issues out there for us cam girls. Things that we really should think about. Things that affect us everyday that we get on cam or post on twitter, or even when we post a sexy picture or video. I make no promises to find or propose solutions but I feel these issues need to be stated. Now that I have introduced the idea of Philosophical Fridays to you, I shall continue with the issue for today.
These men (players) have barely any negative connotation associated with wanting a lot of sex. In America, It's simply called being a "red blooded male". Of course by saying that phrase, accepting that it is normal. "Playing" girls or guys (if they are gay or bi), having no emotional attachment in their relationships and etc is normal...But its not. It really isnt. While it may be a POPULAR opinion, I find it to be a symbol of an emotional detachment. Lets all be honest with ourselves. Emotional detachment is the true issue here, not the sex itself. A way of acting out. I will go on to explain more in a bit but now lets talk about women.
Women are Sluts, Men are Players
The title sets the tone about this issue. There is a huge divide in the psychology of society in this area. It is completely ok for men to like sex and to go out and get a lot of it...While if a women likes sex and tries to get a lot of it they are looked down upon...
Now before people start yelling at me about religion and they are waiting for marriage or that they are "different". Or that "Well Ambient, you are a "whore". you sell yourself for money...blah blah" and etc. Let me say this. This is the average of society. Read the entire post before making a decision. So sit down, shut up and listen.
And lets continue...
These men (players) have barely any negative connotation associated with wanting a lot of sex. In America, It's simply called being a "red blooded male". Of course by saying that phrase, accepting that it is normal. "Playing" girls or guys (if they are gay or bi), having no emotional attachment in their relationships and etc is normal...But its not. It really isnt. While it may be a POPULAR opinion, I find it to be a symbol of an emotional detachment. Lets all be honest with ourselves. Emotional detachment is the true issue here, not the sex itself. A way of acting out. I will go on to explain more in a bit but now lets talk about women.
Through out the ages, women that love or like sex have ALWAYS had a negative connotations associated with it. A range of bad names from prostitute, slut, whore, trollop, hookers, and etc. Why is this? Why is it so unequal? Why, if I like sex (even if i didn't sell it) would I be called this? It doesn't make any sense to me. There is a SLIGHTLY semi-good name and that is Nymphomaniac. But even that is used to describe insane people. Try and think about it for a minute. Can you think of a single good name used to describe a women that likes sex?...Think really hard...I couldn't think of one. (If you do come up with one, please share with the "class" in the comments below.)
Now of course, there are people who are the exception to this issue. And of course there are people that exemplify this issue too. I'm sure we all have people in our personal lives that we are thinking about right now that fit into these slots. Think about that person. Why do you think they act like that?
Now that you have an example set in your head, lets get to the heart of the issue. I believe that it isn't sex as the issue. I really do believe that is a form of emotional problems. Maybe somebody has mommy or daddy issues. Maybe they feel that purposely acting like a player or (even on the women's side) a slut is the only recourse to them. They are trying to take control in the only way they see possible. I am sure that there are all sorts of reasons that make people act like that but I do feel that they have no "balance" in their lives.
I'm not going to preach to you about "women rule, men suck" and blah. That is another issue. But I am going to say that I am a fan of balance. Balance in all things. Yes I love sex, I love being a cam girl. This is fun for me. And yes I freely admit that it is empowering. But I love being me too. I have found my balance... I'm sure that we could dissect my psyche all day. But this is an issue for all of us to think about. Think about these questions.
Why do you think there is this issue in today's society?
Why is Temptress so much worse a word than Tempter?
Do you like sex? Is it in balance or do you use it to act out?
And lastly...
What do you think?
<3 Ambient Magic