Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Learning Stage

I have been doing this for about 3 days now (camming time that is). I have spent 16 hours or so and i have made about 340$ which averages out to 21$ an hour. Which is totally not bad.  I am getting my fan club to grow (slowly unfortunately) but every bit helps and when they view my recorded videos I get money off that without doing a thing. The main thing that I am learning is how to not tease too much. No matter how much I read up on and prepared beforehand it's just something that you have to learn through experience. It is a fine line to straddle. Too much skin, not enough. Too much boob play, not enough etc...

I find that a lot of my private chats are not super long. Most are about 5 mins but i get the occasional 2 min people and every now and then i get the 10 min + people. I even did a group chat today. That was fun had about 4 guys in there for 10 mins. I got some decent bank off that. I have been having a lot of people in free chat as well. Most guys are nice and go on and on about my fine "qualities" (lol), but today i had to ban someone. I was just going to kick him but he made me angry (i didn't let my face show it). He kept spamming the same thing incessantly. I warned him 3 times, and he would stop for a min or two and then continue the abuse. Eh, he was fair warned. Has anyone else ever had a person that they had to kick or ban? I have to say I enjoyed the power I control with the push of that button. ;)

 I do get a lot of free chat cam2cam sessions. So pretty much, in the corner of my screen, a little cam pops up that shows the customer doing "whatever" and it is in free so i have lots of other people messaging me so i have to split my already multiple private messaged mind even more. And i cant go all out and say "oh ya baby, you know i want to see you put that in my... etc..." That would end up giving all the other free chat customers a free show. But its free money. If they wanna show me them jacking off while i am still trying to get other guys to take me private. By all means go ahead. ha ha lol.

On the subject of fetishes however i have had a few, shall we say "interesting" ones. I really like people that like feet. It is so easy and I don't have to get naked. All i have to do is take my heels off ha ha. I get more elaborate than that but u get the idea. It seems that i also have the tendency to draw guys that want me to dominate/humiliate them.... I don't really get why. I have a "sweet" face. I like controlling them and i like to make them "worship" me but i don't understand why they are drawn to me in the first place. I also have guys that want to do the father/daughter thing. Which is a tad shady on my morals but i will pretend to a certain age. But these guys want me to go waaaaay young. And i just can't do that. For one it's weird and 2 i have way too much boob-age for that lol.

I have to say that I am really enjoying what I do. Its fun. I am going to have to stock up on stockings though. I already shredded one pair with my heels. :(  I almost want to go full time with this but I have to have a "normal" job to keep up appearances. I work at a clothing store so i get discounts on the naughty things we get. So i figured it was smart business sense to keep the normal job. Anyone else feel like they have to keep up appearances?

Anyways enough of my rambling for one night

<3 Ambient

1 comment:

  1. Keeping the day job is a smart decision as you don't have to explain where extra money is coming from if you don't want to and it offers a secure amount of income if you have a bad week on cam.

    I instantly ban anyone who is disrespectful to me. I can take a joke and enjoy a bit of playful banter, but if anyone is outright rude they get banned. We dont have to put up with that crap. There are enough customers to fill the room without those losers :)
