K guys here is a quick personal blog about the daily life atm. I would just like to state that in the month or so that i have been camming have made me so happy. Seriously. I feel that i actually have control on my life and i am not stuck at a 9-5 hating every minute of it. It is like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
And the aftereffect of this happiness is that actually have the energy to exercise. I have been eating better since February, and have lost about 17 lbs, but i am still over what i need to be for my height/weight requirements. So some friends of mine and i got a running group together. I ran tonight with them for about an hour. To be fair a lot of that was about 70% walking and 30% running but hey... its a start. It felt good. I feel pleasantly tired.
Next thing that has been on my mind is GenCon. I know it isnt until August but i am getting excited for it. I am a totally gamer chick and nerd. I play Deadlands, D&D, Spy Craft, Mutants and Masterminds. And that is just tabletop stuff. I am mostly a pc gamer but i do have an xbox that i like to play. Lately i have been playing a lot of League of Legends and Battlefield Bad Company 2. I need a nice piece of art to go above my headboard and what better place to get awesome gamer art.
Also just wanted to update you all on my plans on making and running a website. I knew nothing of html and css a week ago and i have stuffed my head full of all the information i have found on the web. I feel proud of that fact. I might just get a template (like one of my model friends suggested) and modify it. We will see how that goes. I have to do a photo shoot and i need to shoot some video content to use for when i open the site eventually. I got my cam check in the bank today, I was so excited. I just wanted to put out the total this time to give an accurate portrayal of what a nooby model can make in her first 2 weeks. I made in 30 hours $718. That averages out to $23.9 per hour. Which let me tell you is SUPER better than my "cover" job.
Anyways that is all for the moment. Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave a comment. I love feedback
<3 Ambient Magic
Wow ... very very very very cool, Ms Ambient! Congrats and good luck ... i'll soon be signing on to enjoy your cam show!