Monday, January 2, 2012

Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 3

So I recently rented this game. To be perfect honest I only got it for a game to play at a party. It has a great multiplayer. It was very fun in that regard. And then the I started playing the campaign and to my surprise I was very very very surprised. My previous misconceptions of Call of Duty was a simple basic shooter. Boy was I wrong.


The plot in the campaign blew me away. As far as i know this is the finale of the 2 previous COD games. It had a bittersweet ending. After following around the guys in your "team, taskforce, squad etc" almost the entire game through some pretty crazy scenes you get pretty attached to them or at least I did. (SPOILER ALERT)  So when most of your "friends" die in one way or another I got really sad. Each time one of them died however there was a ton of badass-ery involved. For example when Soap dies you barely escape a explosion from a building where you are sniping. You and he jump off the building, fall through a bunch of scaffolding to the ground where you are then besieged  by what seems a million guys and tanks and .50 cals. And you have to run and gun on your way to safety protecting Price as he drags Soap. When you do get to relative safety it was too late and Soap loses too much blood and dies anyways. Again the sadness.

 Here is the plot basics for those that haven't played. A Terrorist group based in Russia pretty much tricked America and Russia to go into ww3. The Russians invade New York (you push them back). Then the terrorist group sets chemical bombs all over Europe. London, Paris and a lot of other places. It is horrible to watch. The terrorist group then captures the Russian President and tries to torture the Nuke codes outta him (you save him) The world pretty much goes crazy. Eventually you track down the leader of the terrorist group and kill him in a very gruesome and badass way. At the end you are the only one left and there is just this feeling of  "good the fucker is dead" but "damn, look at the cost".  However it is a short campaign. I played through it in about 7 hours.

I wont ruin the entire plot for you but the entire time that you are playing it you have a feeling of "OH FUCK". It was a wild ride. My eyes were wide open and I was in awe and enthralled the entire time. Whether because of the graphics or the plot or just the shooting and game play. I played this game on my Xbox 360 and my HD tv so the graphics in this game was breathtaking. So much detail. You really feel like you are there. There are sniping parts (which i loved), underwater, urban, rural, sneaking, knifing, explosions, hostage rescuing, bombing parts, tank battles. There is this one part in Paris where you have to cross this bridge in front of the Eiffel Tower and there are a million guys and bombs and a ton of tanks. Then the tower falls...OMG! You watch the Eiffel Tower FALL (almost on top of you to boot) . It is this...horrifying moment. My mouth hung open I was in shock. Imagine if that happened in real life. It was...horrifying in the worst way. Anyways.


All of the Guns in the game are really cool. I have no frame of reference for whether they were accurate to real life but most of them were fun to shoot. I do have to say that there was no bullet drop. For example when I was sniping and they were far away I expected to have to account for bullet drop and wind to some degree and i didn't notice any of that. So it was pretty much aim and shoot which is really the only thing that I wasn't happy about. You did run out of ammo and had realistic clip sizes and could pick up guns of the ground. The Bad guys died with only 2-3 bullets in them which I thought was realistic too. I had no problems with the mechanics except when once i got stuck under and tank and couldn't move. That was the only glitch that I found. The controls were smooth and I had no problems running or aiming.


I loved this game. Never was I more happy to be surprised by a game. To be honest I kinda wanna play it again now on hard mode. Lol I might be up to the challenge we will see. Anyways enjoy the review and feel free to comment with your thoughts on the game good or bad.

Love you all. Kisses

Ambient Magic

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