Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Mini-vaction

So guys, I've been camming hard. Trying to get enough money to go to PA on September 16th, since i actually dont get my paycheck til like the 20th i am trying to raise the money now. But of course i have to pay bills first. So i have rent covered but not the car and two bills that are due soon that i have to pay. I am working on those. I would really like some spending money to go up there, not to mention gas. Since i am the only one working atm, if i want it to happen i have to make it happen. We are going to meet some friends and see one friend who is on leave from the military. I am excited to go. I hope that we actually get to go. We'll see. I'll try anyways.

But hey if you wanna contribute anything come to and have a private with me. Or if you dont want to do that i added a $50 prepaid american express card to my wish list. the link is here . All and any help is appreciated. If you do either of these two options i will send you my latest photo shoot  20 set package for free. If you do a private with me make sure u tell me it is to go to the mini vacation so i know to send u the pics. Again I love you guys. Thanks for always being awesome.

<3 Ambient Magic

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